Catsoft's Taxcat software is designed in accordance with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) specifications for the Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS). PLS utilises Standard Business Reporting (SBR), an Australian Government initiative to reduce the reporting burden on business.
Catsoft was an early adopter of the ATO's previous primary lodgment channel, Electronic Lodgment Service (ELS), being involved with the ELS pilot back in 1989 and producing the Taxcat software since 1991.
Then as now, Catsoft remains committed in providing software that is relevant and compliant to facilitate lodgment through the ATO's prevailing primary lodgment channel. Taxcat continues in that tradition by being SBR-enabled.
Getting involved in SBR development in 2015 and being an early adopter of SBR in 2016, Catsoft has enabled Taxcat users to reap the benefits of SBR's integration with the ATO's backend system, ensuring responses are received directly from the ATO in real time, providing confidence and certainty when interacting with the ATO.
Utilising SBR, Taxcat users are able to prefill tax forms with information the ATO already holds for a given taxpayer, subscribe to EFT reconciliation reports, establish client agent relationships, etc. As the ATO progressively introduces new services that add value to the practitioner experience, Catsoft continues to implement these services in Taxcat accordingly.
- Easy to navigate interface.
- Comprehensive tax estimates.
- Track invoices and EFT refunds (Advanced Version only).
- Lodge prior years tax returns as far back as Tax Time 1997-98.
- Error checking before lodging tax returns.
- Client letters and stick labels preparation and printing.
- Rollover client information from the previous year to the current year.
- And lots more…..
Standard Version
Taxcat has the following value-adding standard features, provided at no extra cost:
- Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Secure user login using Signcat.
- Online Services for Agents: Pre-filling Report import into individual returns.
- SBR Prefill for activity statements and individual returns.
- SBR Single or Batch Lodgment to suit lodgment needs.
- EFT Reconcilition Report subscription and download.
- Client update to establish tax agent relationship, etc.
- Obligations Management services such as Lodgment List, Progress and Client Communications.
- Individual Income Tax Return Profile Compare and Assessments.
Where Ledgercat and CatHub are purchased separately and set up along with Taxcat:
- Ledgercat import to bring across general ledger balances when preparing returns.
- CatHub synchronisation of front cover data in preparing returns.
Advanced Version
Upgrading to the Advanced Version will provide you with even more:
- STP Phase 2 reporting of single touch payroll events (PAYEVNT) through SBR.
- EFT Refund Tracking using refund data imported from EFT Reconciliation Reports.
- Debtor Maintenance advanced debtor reports & options including transfer.
- Asset Maintenance direct access to asset categories associated with a return.
- Shared Bank Maintenance interest maintained & split amongst related returns.
Where CatHub is purchased separately and set up along with Taxcat:
- CatHub Trustcat Module links to our trust accounting software to meet trust accounting requirements and generate DE transfer files for online banking.
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2:
- Pay Event Submit
- Pay Event Update
- Pay Event List