Catsoft Leasecat is a lease management software that has the functionality to produce reports and perform lease calculation from lessee or lessor perspective on finance leases, operating leases and hire purchases.
- Register of lease details for operating leases, finance leases, and hire purchase from either a lessee/purchaser or lessor/dealer perspective.
- Reports details include: cash flows, lease interest rates, lease terminations and summaries for journal entries.
- Capability for lessee to sub-lease part or all of a leased asset to a third party lessee.
- User definable options for interest charge method and amortisation method.
- Custom report writer allows users to create their own reports with definable fields.
- Automatically calculates the interest rate implicit in the lease contract. The lessee can enter an estimated interest rate, resulting in an adjusted fair value or obtain recommended alternative rental payments.
- And lots more…..